Hi! my name is Aitor and this… is my world

I didn’t know what to do when I was eighteen… As we grown up, we are supposed to know what we are going to the rest of our life or at least the next bunch of years. As many of you I ran into one of the doors that I liked the most, and guess what? I loved it!

I’m a visual designer with 9 years of experience, working for pymes, big enterprises and some people with the dream of creating something really special that changes something in their world.

I’ve been dedicated to the brand sector the most part of my career, but I like to think as my self as a very adaptative person. Who enjoys learning new things, from a while I’ve been introducing myself into the UX/UI world.

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

I didn’t know what to do when I was eighteen… As we grown up, we are supposed to know what we are going to the rest of our life or at least the next bunch of years. As many of you I ran into one of the doors that I liked the most, and guess what? I loved it!

I’m a visual designer with 9 years of experience, working for pymes, big enterprises and some people with the dream of creating something really special that changes something in their world.

I’ve been dedicated to the brand sector the most part of my career, but I like to think as my self as a very adaptative person. Who enjoys learning new things, from a while I’ve been introducing myself into the UX/UI world.

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”


You’re always at school

One of the things that I enjoy the most is learning new things no matter what. Or at least teach them.

Since the beginning (and not as a designer) I had a deep connection with the human history. Evolution, civilizations, stories, music, facts. And that is something that I always look for into any personal or outside project, teach or learn something that improve you as a person.

MY Mission

You’re always at school

One of the things that I enjoy the most is learning new things no matter what. Or at least teach them.

Since the beginning (and not as a designer) I had a deep connection with the human history. Evolution, civilizations, stories, music, facts. And that is something that I always look for into any personal or outside project, teach or learn something that improve you as a person.

Let’s get in touch

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